The Moss Man Mystery

Campaign: Scooby Cthulhu

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Dusty receives a call from his boarding school chum, Lord "Punchy" Partfine. "Fancy a trip to New Orleans?"

Recording of game session (YouTube)


(Spoiler alert: this summary reveals plot details of the adventure "Watcher In The Bayou", by Mark Eley, from the Triad Entertainment sourcebook Dwellers In Shadow.)

While fueling up the motorhome at a Shell station, the gang calls back to Miskatonic to check in with Professor Knox. Knox tells the gang that Dusty received a call from Dusty's boarding school chum, Lord "Punchy" Partfine.

Where did Punchy get his nickname? Partfine's given name is "Lord", but his classmates refused to call him that. Partfine led to "Party", which led to "Party Punch", which led to "Punchy".

Punchy's message, as repeated by Knox, is a bit confused. Apparently, Punchy had heard through the grapevine that Dusty was on a road trip, and Punchy thought it would be "a gas" if Dusty would come down to New Orleans to visit him, and suggests that Dusty "lay rubber".

When they arrive, Punchy is an enthusiastic host, taking the gang to blues and jazz clubs, crawfish boils, and groovy dance clubs. Just before the gang is about to head on to the next leg of their journey, Punchy receives a letter from one of his tenants, a Cajun named Jean-Claude DuMoss. DuMoss apparently believes that a local bogeyman called "Père Malfait" is stalking the bayou around Deadwater Lake, and wants Punchy to hire hunters to track it down and capture it. Punchy says it would be outta sight if they take Dusty's hip new wheels down to Cajun country to check it out.


  • Axil Buton, Sheriff of Halbert
  • Barney Fluter, Deputy Sheriff
  • Estelle LaRue, Mayor of Halbert
  • Knox Makepeace, professor of Anthropology at Miskatonic University
  • Lord "Punchy" Partfine, Dusty's boarding school chum