The Revival Meeting Mystery

Campaign: Scooby Cthulhu

Revision as of 15:47, 28 April 2016 by BBlackmoor (talk | contribs)
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The gang investigates mysterious deaths that seem to be following an evangelist's "revival" meetings.

Recording of game session (YouTube)


While travelling through southern Texas in their motorhome, the gang sees a number of flyers tacked to telephone poles advertising "Reverend Bishop Alamo's Evangelical Revival Meeting". In the first town they see the flyers, the date on them is a month ago. In the second town, the date is three weeks ago, and so on.

In the town of Lufkin, they are stopped by the police and shown a photo. When they ask but it, they learn that a terrible murder that happened two weeks ago is still unsolved. A fourteen year old boy was stabbed to death in his own bedroom. Police believe it was the work of Satanist bikers that were recently in the area. Coincidentally, the murder took place the same weekend that "Reverend Bishop Alamo's Evangelical Revival Meeting" was in town.

The boy's parents are strict Pentecostal Christians, who do not believe in women wearing pants or wearing makeup. They did not allow their son David to listen to music of any kind, and had recently beaten him savagely after finding an 8-track tape of Neil Diamond under his mattress.

In the next town, Alto, Texas, a girl was drowned in the river. A witness described a demonic figure who picked her up and threw her in the water. Her belongings and clothing were found on the riverside, but her body was not found.

Her parents are Independent Baptists who would not permit Sarah to talk to boys. When they learned that she had talked to a boy after school, they punished her by handcuffing her to the radiator in her room for a week.

The Reverend Bishop Alamo is currently in Palestine, Texas.

The Reverend is a hellfire-and-brimstone, strict authoritarian, spare the rod spoil the child evangelist. He's also a grifter who has spies in the crowd who tell him who is sick with what.

His son Norville is in charge of decorations and the passion play that is presented before each meeting. He and a group of young volunteers take care of that.
